Post by max on Nov 26, 2008 18:50:10 GMT -5
He had heard stories about it, although he didn't know if they where true or not. Was Lucario really hidden here? Or was it just a myth? He had met what was, or at least what he thought was supposed to be, the only Lurcario there is on earth. He had helped it from Team Rocket, & had become great friends with him along the way. But soon they had to separate, & he had not seen him since. And he remembered the Lucario talking. It had been able to use telepathic powers to talk to all & anyone who could speak.
There was a brook ahead, & both trainer & Pokemon had to find a way to get over it safely. They seemed to be going on forever or so, & the trainer could tell they where all getting weary from traveling in the mountains.
May we rest? asked Nine, her nine tails twitching gracefully in the wind. It seemed to rarely blow here, with all of the rocks & all around here blocking it's path.
I guess Max said, sighing. He shrugged off his backpack, letting it thud on the ground, dirt flying up. Hey, Flame! he hollered to his other fire-type, who was way ahead in the pathway. Come back! We're taking a break!
But I thought I saw something! he hollered back to his trainer, looking in a bush curiosly, slightly sniffing around in it.
Was it Lucario? Max asked his Typhlosin, a bit annoyed at the moment as he sat against the rock ledge, resting him-self as he sat his backpack next to him.
No Flame said, repelling his head out of the bushes.At least, I don't think so. But I know I saw something. The Pokemon sighed & turned, walking back toward the other Pokemon & his trainer.
Nine laid under the shade of a tree, of which where rare atop mountains because of all of the rocks there. Flame laid next to his trainer silently as he rummaged through his backpack for something.
Max's head shot up, hearing a sudden rustle of leaves. He looked around, but saw nothing but his Pokemon & an open space. He sighed & zipped up his backpack, standing up & putting it on his back.
Ready? he asked them. They both arouse quickly as he began walking down the path again, searching for a hopeful new team mate. For Max, if it was the Lucario he'd met before, he'd hope that he'd be willing to join their team. If not, he'd catch it anyway. It was a win win situation.
Post by Kiki on Nov 26, 2008 18:57:05 GMT -5
Soft flute music floated in the air, a happy and somewhat fast melody that bounced. Several Pokemon gathered around a girl who had long gray hair and blue eyes. She wore a white hoody and jeas despite the heat.
Post by Blade on Nov 26, 2008 19:19:55 GMT -5
Walking by at the time was a man, alongside him a golden Lucario. He walked toward the music, stopping a distance away so as not to scare the pokemon gathered around.
Post by max on Nov 28, 2008 12:04:38 GMT -5
Max paused for a moment, his ears straining for a moment.
Do you hear that? he finally asked his Pokemon, who were paused silently, watching their trainer stand nearly motionless.
Hear wha- the Typhlosin started, but was sushed by Nine, who took a few steps forward, ears purked. In an instant, she took off running, off tiwards the sound she pondered.
Nine, wait up! he trainer called after her as he took off, Flame close behind. After a few minutes of running, they came upon a clearing, Pokemon surroning the girl with what seemed like some kind of flute or insurment. Max's head whipped up when he heard rusting on thr other side of the clearing when ha saw a man with... A gold Lucario Max mumbled under his breath, almost awed.
While he was distracted, Nine & Flame lurched forward, towards the girl & the other Pokemon. Some seemed unwerved by the new comers, other dashed away when they came near. Nine & Flame sat just outside the "circle," which was only Pokemon scattered about in the circle.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 16:30:28 GMT -5
Yuski smiled as she continued to play.
Post by max on Nov 28, 2008 18:27:17 GMT -5
Max shook his head, now averting his gaze to the girl who played to the Pokemon. Very carfully, hw crept down, trying not to make a sound. Flame & Nine looked back a coupke of times, which would make some other Pokemon look back as well. None scattered, for he guessed that they knew he was there. He sat down in between Nine & Flame as the girl played, & deicided to ask her about Lucario after she finished playing her insterment.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 18:29:19 GMT -5
Yuski lowered the flute from her lips. "I don't know anything about the Lucario. You have to ask him." She nodded toward Alek, the old man.
Post by Blade on Nov 28, 2008 18:32:31 GMT -5
Alek listened to the beautiful melody, enjoying the sound. The Lucario seemed to realize the song was over, and moved over to Alek again.
Post by max on Nov 28, 2008 19:06:22 GMT -5
He jumpped when the girl seemed to know what he was thinking about. How did you...? he bgean to ask, but shook his head. Flame yawned, almost sleepy from the song as Max went on. Max got up, & looked to Alek. So can you help me? he asked the man politley.I am looking for a Lucario. And probably one in paticular.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 19:07:42 GMT -5
Yuski smiled. "I read your aura."
Post by Blade on Nov 28, 2008 20:11:42 GMT -5
"You seem to have your eye on Damini here, do you not?" Alek looked at Max interestedly. "Do not look at a pokemon for it's coloration, or other oddities, and overlook the worth of every pokemon."
Post by umbreon on Nov 28, 2008 20:24:52 GMT -5
High above, Arok watched the girl attract Pokemon. She could be of use to me... He thought. He flapped at the air with his wings, obvious to anyone looking up.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 20:25:50 GMT -5
Yuski glared up as she heard the beating wings.
Post by umbreon on Nov 28, 2008 20:29:02 GMT -5
Arok flipped over and used some magic to make himself invisble.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 20:30:35 GMT -5
"You think you can fool me with that weak spell?" Yuski was staring straight at where Arok was.
Post by umbreon on Nov 28, 2008 20:35:50 GMT -5
Blast! He thought. Oh Well.... He swooped down and snatched one of the Pokemon . "Attack and this one dies!" He said, holding his sword to the Pokemons throat.
Post by Blade on Nov 28, 2008 20:35:40 GMT -5
Alek and Damini looked up as well. "I can see you, even though you use magic to hide yourself, for your aura is obvious!" Damini stiffened, the flying person a percieved threat.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 20:36:47 GMT -5
Yuski grunted and snapped, the Pokemon appearing beside her. "You think you can outdo a High Priestess of the Council?"
Post by umbreon on Nov 28, 2008 20:38:53 GMT -5
Arok hissed loudly and picked up Yuski herself.
Post by Blade on Nov 28, 2008 20:42:20 GMT -5
"I would release her, sir." Alek stepped foward, ready for combat. "It could end up your downfall not to." He raised his hand, then brought it down, as though demonstrating. What would surprise Arok, though, is that as he did so an air current began to press on Arok's back, which would shove him toward the ground.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 20:41:36 GMT -5
Yuski glared and kicked Arok in a sensitive spot.
Post by umbreon on Nov 28, 2008 20:44:39 GMT -5
Arok grinned and flew a distance off, where he threw a ball of darkness at the Pokemon clustered together.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 20:46:05 GMT -5
Yuski wriggled around and twisted, freeing herself. She landed softly on the groud.
Post by Blade on Nov 28, 2008 20:47:42 GMT -5
Alek smiled, building what seemed to be an Aura Sphere attack, then firing it at the ball of darkness. It exploded in a flash of light, neutralizing both attacks. He then raised a bunch of earthern pillars, creating a complicated flying area, and protecting the pokemon from further attack.
Post by umbreon on Nov 28, 2008 20:49:24 GMT -5
A voice cried "NO!" And a ball of light collided with the ball of Darkness, making both dissapear. Arok looked up and spotted a figure with snowy white bird wings.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 20:56:21 GMT -5
Light versus Darkness. I'll step in if I'm needed or get dragged in.. Yuski thought.
Post by umbreon on Nov 28, 2008 21:00:10 GMT -5
Ashia flew at Arok, Who flapped to dodge her. Her used to darknes magic and tried to force Ashia's wings to crumple. Ashia blocked it and used some magic to blind Arok. Arok roared and tried to find Ashia with his echo vision, but she deflected him with echos of her own. She then tackeled Arok, Who despretely tried to grab Ashia. He Grabbed her leg, but she kicked him off.
Post by Blade on Nov 28, 2008 21:03:57 GMT -5
Alek watched as the two scrapped. "Well, there seems to be no reason to fight now, but you'd best be ready to help out if it comes to battle, Damini."
Post by umbreon on Nov 28, 2008 21:20:57 GMT -5
Arok flipped over as Ashia shot a ball of Light at him. She flew at him. This is pointless he thought. He made a club out of Darkness as she passed and knocked her on the head. Ashia stopped flapping, and plummetted downwards, unconcious. Arok cackled evily and swoooped down to snatch Ashia up.
Post by Kiki on Nov 28, 2008 21:21:50 GMT -5
Yuski formed a ball of Moon and shot it at Arok, then fliped and caught Ashia in her amrs.